Sunday, 25 May 2014

Nightfall in Men

Sex Education Postno.-7

Well nightfall is natural in men need not to worry about it..but if problem persist week to week  it can have side effects .


1. Fatigue 2. Back pain 3. Hair loss 4. Weak erection 5. Premature ejaculation 6. Testicular pain 7. Cramp in pelvic cavity.

So will suggest u to go for some natural exercise :-

1. Should start jogging or brisk walking for at least 30 minutes every day.
2. Should avoid consumption of any liquid for at least 2 hours before going to sleep.
3. Should go for urination just before going to bed.
4. Should avoid watching porn or erotic chats etc.
5. Start listening to soothing music which gives peace of mind and gives soothing effects like the meditation gives.
6. Should start reading good books at the time to keep the brain relaxed for a sound sleep.
7. If night fall happens then they should not worry about this, because if people keep on thinking about nightfall or have the fear of night fall at the time of sleeping then they get more chances to have the night fall again.
8. Should avoid constipation because an upset digestive system also sometimes causes night fall.
9. If the person is having the habit of taking milk at night then they should take milk in the evening 

instead of at night.
10. Start doing masturbation once in a while may help control night fall.
11. Kegel exercise also helps control Night Fall.


1.The Kama Sutra lists 30 types of kisses. Askew, when two heads are tilted in opposite directions. Kiss to ignite, kiss at the corners of the mouth that occurs in the middle of the night to kindle love. Bite classic, when taken between the teeth with a lot of skin. How many have you tried?

2.Try a little spanking during sex, and don’t worry about the sting. Oxytocin, one of the sex chemicals released when you’re getting it on, reduces pain by about half. 

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